9/15/2024 (1:01 PM): REALLY need to make a new gallery page... i don't wanna post more art here til i do because like. why make so much extra work for myself lol. but i've been making some of my favorite pieces EVER recently and i need to show them off more. for the good of my ego

9/3/2024 (11:32 AM): one of my biggest pet peeves is the sound of yardwork... i have no clue why it bothers me so much, but it drives me NUTS!!!

8/17/2024 (9:52 PM): pastry for breakfast AND cheesecake for dessert... today i have dined like a king.

8/17/2024 (9:13 AM): on a completely unrelated note, i have a chocolate eclair for breakfast. yum

8/17/2024 (9:08 AM): i think some people on this site put way too much stock in the idea of "code stealing" + are overly committed to the idea of it as an inherent act of malice. most of what i see is like art tracing/theft- young people who really just don't understand the social etiquette in these spaces and want to feel like they made something cool. i dunno! i just think it's important to afford people grace in most situations. especially when those situations involve newcomers in niche spaces online lol.

8/16/2024 (8:55 PM): got an email back from the therapist i'm hoping to start with yesterday and gave her a schedule so we can do a consultation call, but i didn't get anything back today :,3. hopefully monday!

8/14/2024 (6:54 PM): speaking of art, i think i've really been getting the hang of gradient maps recently, which makes me very proud. only took uh. years. multiple years. i feel so powerful.

8/14/2024 (6:52 PM): REALLY need to redo my art gallery page. that is priority number one as soon as i get the new homepage to a place i like... i wanna upload new art here VERY badly but really don't feel like it as long as i know i'm just gonna redo the whole page lol ':]

8/4/2024 (9:38 PM): new yotsuba chapter was really good

8/4/2024 (9:36 PM): i really need to get back into creative writing. i have so many story ideas and simply do not have the stamina for comcis. or god forbid, animation.

6/17/2024 (2:38 PM): DID THE GAUZE TOO YAYYYYY

6/17/2024 (1:46 PM): successfully switched out compression bras!!! gauze replacement is still a work in progress. didn't pass out or feel sick during it either... just needed help zipping the new one up lol.

6/14/2024 (12:23 AM): my brain keeps going "let's read comics to calm down" (good idea) but it is also only coming up with the names of HORROR STUFF LOLLL. like no i am not doing that i think

6/14/2024 (12:22 AM): OK IM FREAKING OUT A BIT NOW LOL

6/13/2024 (11:28 PM): mads gets a full valium tablet tonight. as a treat.


6/13/2024 (10:21 PM): aggressively hydrating while i still can

6/13/2024 (1:31 AM): still rereading parts of monster pulse. very very good comic.

6/13/2024 (1:25 AM): haha i am so scared. i'm going to be brave but i'm still scared. i keep wishing that there was a way for me to just flash forward in time so i didn't have to actually experience any part of surgery day, but at the same time i know logically that this will be good for me. you never learn or grow if you don't challenge yourself. and one day i might need an actual serious medically vital surgery, so it's good my first experience will hopefully be much calmer and nicer and NOT IN A HOSPITAL (do not like hospitals. very scared of them.)

6/12/2024 (11:57 PM): DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY... 33 HOURS REMAIN...

6/12/2024 (2:49 PM): took half of a valium tablet (so like 2.5-3 mg. uneven cut lol...) and not only did it kick in soo fast i feel pretty great now. tired though lol and i DO keep making typos. but still. wowie. nipped that panic attack in the BUD this stuff rules. and the bad stuff honestly might just be because i have not slept well in almost a week

6/12/2024 (2:34 AM): god i am so excited to be able to take melatonin again soon. i need to be able to sleep normally lol

6/12/2024 (12:48 AM): violet monster pulse shrine someday maybe. not now. but someday... maybe...

6/12/2024 (12:41 AM): violet from monster pulse still a character of all time. i love her so much. one a them characters who sort of just hurts to read sometimes

6/12/2024 (12:34 AM): rereading some parts of monster pulse. really really good comic